9:10am In case you didn’t notice, I skipped right over social break day eight. I don’t blame you, I almost didn’t notice!
And that is saying something! I used to check social media like I used to smoke cigarettes — which is to say, a lot. And now, this week, I sailed right through day eight as if social media didn’t even exist! Contrary to what you might think, my first thought wasn’t pride of my accomplishment. My first thought was one of fear and disappointment. It went kind of like this: “Well, shit. This experiment is over. There’s nothing to write about.” You see if I’m successfully off social media and it’s no big deal, there’s no entertainment value in documenting my experience. Is there? 10:08am I am noticing that I am not “checking in” with this journal near as much as I was seven days ago. I suspect that this habit of checking into social media is loosening it’s grip. That is good news.
And I am noticing that my social break is also beginning to lose its novelty. I woke this morning feeling a little indifferent about the project. Is it possible that I’m experiencing some success and am now taking it for granted? Possibly and yet more so, I suspect that I am officially moving into the next chapter of this social break. The honeymoon phase has worn off and now, it’s about the relearning the day-to-day living without social. 8:26am I’m noticing that my daily social “itch” is subsiding judging by the amount of times I’m “checking in”. On day one I checked in and logged journal entries several times through out the day. Yesterday, I think I logged only once in the morning. I feel like that may be progress.
I’m also noticing I’m not missing my friends as much as I thought I would. I sincerely thought I would miss the people I interacted with. But maybe six days is not enough time to miss anything. 6:24am it’s been five or so days since I’ve been off social media. I’m really enjoying the increased peace. Although I’m not sure it’s increased peace so much as it is reduced digital noise. I actually feel like I may have the bandwidth to process what I’m living. Is it possible that social is simply overloading our mental capacities to the point of numbness; being tuned out? Is it so subtle that we don’t even recognize it?
8:46am I’m really surprised and delighted that I’m beginning day four of my social break! When I started a few days ago I wasn’t sure I could even make it 24 hours! Now look at me! I’m also shocked at how much more expansive my mindset is since pulling the plug. For real, I never would’ve hypothesized feeling this significantly different! And I’m starting to feel a bit foolish. I mean, does everyone know that pulling the plug in social can feel like this except for me? Has there been article after article written about this phenomenon in natural health magazines and psychology e-zines that I’ve overlooked?! Is someone over in Medium screaming a “ditch social and your life will improve” message I’ve missed? I can’t be the first person to experiment like this.
AuthorKatie Milton Jordan is an AI Transformation Expert, business strategist, and exit planning advisor helping organizations, business owners, and executives work smarter, not harder with AI. With a background in business brokerage, economic development, and coaching, she specializes in AI-driven productivity, automation, and scaling strategies that deliver measurable results. Katie empowers businesses to integrate AI seamlessly and stay ahead of industry shifts. 📩 Want to work smarter with AI? Connect with Katie for strategy sessions, insights, and expert guidance. 🚀 Archives
August 2022